Sunday, October 4, 2009

Where have the well-written gone?

Ensure or insure? They're or their?
These are just a couple of incorrect uses of language I witnessed this week.
I'm certain there were others, but these two I noticed.
Have you encountered any blunders recently? Please share! What were they?


  1. Ain't that the truth! ;-D

    I used to review one of my managers emails before he sent them because sometimes automatic spell-check just wasn't enough. If he clicked through spell-check too quickly, a misspelled word like interpret might come out as intercept. The best part was that he misspelled some words consistently (fiscal always came out as physical?).

    My personal grammatical issue is tense. I've always had problems with my verbs!

  2. 21st Century Darwinism??

    In the world of online dating, words are everything. Those who misspell words, use poor grammar, or text-speak often find their opening communications summarily dismissed. Granted there are some very intelligent people who are verbally-challenged, but those initial emails are your first impression to prospective dates. When dating online, compose emails in Word, run spell-check, and re-read emails to avoid being misunderstood (tone and sense of humor are not easily communicated through email).

    Besides, after reading OMG, LOL, and JK several times, I get the creepy feeling that I’m being approached by a 12 year old girl. EWW!
